free range packs

I am psyched to announce a collaboration with Free Range Equipment headquartered just down the road in Bend, Oregon. As a painter in Portland and a lifelong Oregonian, I love to surf, hike, and generally have fun outdoors and I can't wait to rock one of their packs! I used to wish I could design artwork for outdoor gear and now we get to do it! How perfect is this fun collaboration with an awesome company that makes backpacks and fanny packs for outdoor adventures? My inner 21-year-old, dirtbag mountain climber, surfer girl is jumping for joy!!

If you need convincing of just how much I love hiking, please enjoy this story of a hike in the Tetons, in a tutu (yes, you read that right!). And read the whole post if you want to watch us dance the Thriller at 10,700 feet! To see a bit more about why I love collaborations with a company like Free Range so much, check out my blog post!
